Friday, May 29, 2009

How sustainable is sustainability?

For this blog post, I thought I'd pose a question: how sustainable is sustainability? Now at first you may say, "that's a silly question." But let me provide some context...

Everyone seems to be jumping on the "sustainability wagon," but what I wonder is how long it will last. Is it possible that we will grow tired of the green messages and sustainability efforts out there? Is sustainability just a fad or will it actually continue on?

I thought of this question when I met with a group of conference planners. We're looking at conference themes for 2010 and of course, sustainability came up. But before we put the green stamp on that topic, we had to stop and ponder... will people be tired of it by then?

What do you all think?


  1. It's always a challenge to keep momentum. Heck, I remember the big issue when I was on campus in the '70s - apathy. Apathy is always the enemy, that and the bitter bile of negativity (guess I was thinking Glenn Beck's scoffing at Al Gore on the cover of this week's Newsweek as 'The Thinking Man's Thinking Man.' That had to bring a lot of eye rolls. Oh well, it'll all be over in 2012. (Not;-)

  2. PS - this blog needs one major fix - the date of postings isn't showing, just the time. I'm sure it's a tweak somewhere in settings. Thanks!

  3. Sustainablity is difficult, therefore people will inevitably grow tired and bored of trying to sustain a clean envoriment; especially when there are others who don't help. Only until consequences become more evident to everybody and making sustainablity something that is mandatory will sustainablity be possible.

  4. Sustainability, whether or not it's something overt and explicit that our species strives for, is a necessity. If you think about it, we have no option but to continue onward with this wave of sustainability as well as the improvements regarding resource waste. Without sustainability, our species depletes its resources, and as a result, gradually depletes itself out of existence. There truly are only two paths, live sustainably, or accept that our species will be shaken from the earth like a virus.
